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LoL Hero Guide (A Brief Sypnosis on Making sure Virr doesn't Rage)
LoL Hero Guide (A Brief Sypnosis on Making sure Virr doesn't Rage)
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1. Allistar (The Support Tank)
Passive (Deals More Damage To Turrets)

Summoner Abilities: Blink/Ghost (Most Effective)/(Heal/Teleport)

Skill Build: This depends on who you're laned with. If you're laned with a hero who can harass well and requires healing to be effective you'd want to main you E ability (Triumphant Roar) to level 3.

If laned with someone who has a stun, you'll want to get one level of Q (Pulverize Sends heroes in to the air for 2 seconds), followed by one level of W(Headbutt sends targeted hero flying in the direction you are facing), followed one level of E. Returning to W as your main ability and off Leveling Q and grabbing R when its available).

This hero is not a carry, hes more of a tank that goes in stuns and separates ONE person from the rest of the group. Building tank items on him isn't a bad idea. Knowing how to get people to focus you is difficult because aside from a few stuns and pushes he is not a threat. Its only possible to build health and tank items if you can make sure you are keeping people controlled. This is why it is often better to allow allistar to be the support item tank.

Building items such as, Innervating Locket, Soul Shroud, Aegis of the Legion, Frozen Heart, Magic Resist Boots, Guardian Angel is the best way to go with him. You can substitute Guardian Angel with a Starks Fevor- although it is often better to allow one of the dps heroes to have this item for its added attack speed bonus.

This hero is relatively easy to do mediocre well, hard to excel with. He is considered one of the best tanks in the game because of his ultimate.

Timing his ultimate is key. This ability should probably never be used to break out of a long ranged stun like Morgana's. That's pretty much the only SOLID piece of advice I can offer about his ultimate.

Allistars Ultimate can be used to devastate towers while tanking them. (Virr)

2. Amumu (The Best Initiating Tank in the Game)

Passive: Reduces Magic resistance per hit

Summoner Abilities Heal/Teleport (primary) Smite/Ghost (creeping) Blink/Ghost or Blink/Heal (lane).

Skill Build
Q= Bandage Toss (Long ranged hook-pull ability)
W= Despair (%dmg that drains mana)
E= Tantrum (AoE damage, cooldown reduces one second per time you are hit, also decreases damage taken)
R= Curse of the Sad Mummy (AoE Damage spell that stuns for 3 second dealing damage)

Always level E first. This ability has an extremely strong base damage (275 at level 2). Off level Q, once you have some form of mana regen I would recommend getting one level of W.

This hero is a tank, not a carry and not a caster. Its smart to build an item that gives him base mana not just mana regen. A catalyst is not a bad starting item. If you are not able to land his bandage toss, having blink can help you blink in to a group of creep and heroes and set your ult off.

It is very important that you DO NOT waste R on a single hero past level 10. This will put you at a sever disadvantage in any team fight. He is by far the best initiating hero because he has an ability that allows him to pull himself in to a group.

Some recommended items:

Catalyst the Protector - Banshee's Veil
Dodge Boots
Warmogs Armor
Guardian Angel
Thornmail (Or Rylai's Scepter since W, will slow heroes)
Rod of Ages

Your Amumu's bandage toss is one of the most effective aid abilities in the game. If your partner is running away from someone a quick pull in to them will ensure that they get away since it come with a stun.

Managing W correctly is very important. Do not leave this ability on if there are no heroes around. It will drain your mana.

When aiming Q, aim slightly ahead of the hero. This ability is notorious for flying off the side and behind the hero. It does hit creep and can be hard to aim.

3. Anivia:
4. Annie:
5. Ashe:
6. Blitzcrank:
7. Chogath:
8. Corki:
9. Dr Mundo:
10. Evelynn:
11. Fiddlesticks:
12. Gangplank:
13. Janna:
14. Jax:
15. Karthus:
16. Kassadin:
17. Katarina:
18. Nassus:
19. Nunu:
20. Rammus:
21. Ryze:
22. Taric:
23. Teemo:
24. Tristana:
25. Tryndamere:
26: Twitch:
27: Viegar:
29: Warwick
30: Zilean:
31. Kayle:
32: Malphite:
33: Master Yi:
34: Morgana:
35: Singed:
34: Sion:
35: Sivir:
35: Soraka:
36: Twisted Fate:
37: Shaco
38: Heimerdinger

Feel free to add suggestions about any hero and I'll add it to my post.

Cool, a guide for an unfair game.

JK before anyone QQ's at Ismael, I asked him to create this so I can learn.


Has Rogue actually started playing? OH SH

F'ed in the A.
CAL-Invite player inc
Quote by Karrmerx
CAL-Invite player inc

Looks like we'll need some people to hold our dranks.

I have a beta key if you want it, Ryan.

[IMG]suchafunnygif.gif[/IMG ]
3. Anivia (The Nuke/DPSer)
Passive (Comes back to life as an egg every

Summoner Abilities: This is pretty ambiguous. Flash is bad now since you can't use it while in egg form. Almost anything else paired with Teleport is good, especially if you're solo.

Skill Build:

Q = Flash Frost (trajectory nuke that explodes at its location to stun - can be triggered by pressing Q again)
W = Icewall (places an icewall to block off enemies - or lock them in!)
E = Frostbite (double-dmg nuke to slowed/frozen targets)
R = Blizzard (AOE slow, huge mana-drain)

One point in Q (Flash Frost) then main E (Frostbite). Get W (Icewall) instead of Q if you see fit. SOMETIMES your ult can be ignored if: you don't have enough regen and the other team is whoring out your golems.

Anivia is a strong magic-based nuker who generally gets a lot of last hits. This will influence your item choices. Her ultimate is a huge mana sink and therefore should be used sparingly for: slowing large groups of people then turning it off, or getting a slow on one opponent to follow up with a Frostbite.

Her wall can be used very well tactically to cut off opponents from each other during clashes, though as you can imagine it can turn out poorly and end up screwing your team over.

Building items such as Rod of Ages, Tear of the Goddess, Mejai Soulstealer, Zhanya's Ring, Magic Boots can lead to a pretty solid game. An early-game Soulstealer combined with a lot of last hits will make your nukes a force to be reckoned with. However it may be better to start with a Doran's Ring.

This hero is fairly difficult to do well with, she has low HP and her Flash Frost can be tricky to aim at times. Played well she is a huge nuisance due to her burst.

Her ult is perfect for catching the other team off guard at Baron or Dragon, thereby starting the fight with an AOE slow.

4. Annie (Have You Seen My Bear Tibbers? - Magic Nuker)
Passive: Every 5 casts makes the next cast a stun (charges).

Summoner Abilities:
Flash/Teleport (solo), Flash/Ignite (laned)

Skill Build:

Q = Disintegrate (straight damage nuke, returns mana if it gets a last-hit, stuns with passive)
W = Incinerate (AOE dmg cone, can stun with passive)
E = Molten Shield (shields against magic/physical)
R = Summon: Tibbers (summons pet with inital dmg to area, pet does AoE dmg to nearby enemies, stuns with passive)

The best way for Annie to shine is to get a level of Q first off and solo. A good Annie in a lane will have nearly if not all the creep kills per wave in her lane, since disintegrate refunds mana cost on last-hits.

Q should always be mained over W and E, with W taking precedence over E. Get her ult at 6, 11, and 16. A single point in E can be worth it over W to help stack her passive charges.

Annie is a primary magic nuker, tied in with some stuns every 5 casts. Because of this, she can either be played as a magic/tank or as a magic/cooldown summoner. Given a good lead, she can 3-shot most summoners with a Tibbers/Disintegrate/Incinerate combo, maybe even finishing off with a Molten Shield/Disintegrate for another stun.

Flash is a good way for Annie to catch an entire team off-guard with Tibbers granted she has her passive stun ready. Teleport is chosen as solo because you want to have as much time in the lane as you can, possibly going back for an early Mejai Soulstealer.

Her first item choice should be an Amplifying Tome and a Health Pot. The tome helps you last-hit with Q, and you might take some hits in your goal to get all the creep kills possible.

Depending on your build, you can get the following items: (magic/cooldown) Mejai Soulstealer, Fiendish Codex, Zhonya's Ring, Archangel's Staff, Lich's Bane, Soul Shroud, Magic Boots. (magic/tank) Rod of Ages, Frozen Heart, Soul Shroud, Mejai Soulstealer, Magic Boots.

I'm enjoying these posts.

Get to 38 already, make it intensely rapid by just doing a basic Hero name + list of what skills they have and what they do so I can just have a better idea of what to expect from other douche heroes
Quote by Karrmerx
I'm enjoying these posts.

Get to 38 already, make it intensely rapid by just doing a basic Hero name + list of what skills they have and what they do so I can just have a better idea of what to expect from other douche heroes


Quote by Virr
Quote by Karrmerx
I'm enjoying these posts.

Get to 38 already, make it intensely rapid by just doing a basic Hero name + list of what skills they have and what they do so I can just have a better idea of what to expect from other douche heroes


I know, I asked Ismael to do this for me because I couldn't find a list online and I am at work and just wanted to do some studying up on all the hero skills so I have enormously better situational awareness in game when I start playing again.

This way I get payed to be CAL-I.
Quote by Karrmerx
Quote by Virr
Quote by Karrmerx
I'm enjoying these posts.

Get to 38 already, make it intensely rapid by just doing a basic Hero name + list of what skills they have and what they do so I can just have a better idea of what to expect from other douche heroes


I know, I asked Ismael to do this for me because I couldn't find a list online and I am at work and just wanted to do some studying up on all the hero skills so I have enormously better situational awareness in game when I start playing again.

This way I get payed to be CAL-I.

Okay, I guess we can start with the basics. Gimme like 15.

Quote by Virr
Quote by Karrmerx
Quote by Virr
Quote by Karrmerx
I'm enjoying these posts.

Get to 38 already, make it intensely rapid by just doing a basic Hero name + list of what skills they have and what they do so I can just have a better idea of what to expect from other douche heroes


I know, I asked Ismael to do this for me because I couldn't find a list online and I am at work and just wanted to do some studying up on all the hero skills so I have enormously better situational awareness in game when I start playing again.

This way I get payed to be CAL-I.

Okay, I guess we can start with the basics. Gimme like 15.

I'll just bug you on vent for item builds and shit when I pick someone, lawl
This is actually gonna be more than 15 minutes, but it can be done in about two hours (about to leave for an hour).

5. Ashe: The Frost Archer
PASSIVE: Increases crit chance/sec until next attack
Q = Frost Arrow (slows on hit)
w = Frost Volley (volley, AOE cone slows on hit)
E = Plentiful Bounty (gold on creep kill)
R = Ice Arrow? (infinite range nuke arrow stuns for longer the further it travels)

6. Blitzcrank: The Steam Golem
PASSIVE: If reduced below a %, activates a mana shield
Q = Rocket Grab (Pudge-like hook)
w = Overdrive (Increase movespeed/attackspeed, then decreases after duration)
E = Power Fist (Melee knock-up stun, double base dmg)
R = Static Field (AOE dmg around Blitzcrank)

7. Chogath: The Dark Terror (read:Zergling/Ultralisk)
PASSIVE: Upon killing a unit, gains HP and Mana
Q = Rupture (Knock-up stun placed on ground, shown by smoke then BOOM)
w = Feral Scream (Silence + DMG AoE cone)
E = Vorpal Spikes (AOE dmg in line with his attack)
R = Feast (insta kill below X health, succesful feast gives him more HP)

8. Corki: The Pilot
PASSIVE: Deals an extra 10% true damage with his autoattack
Q = Phosphorous Bomb (AOE blind + dmg)
w = Valkyrie (flies to target location & leaves trail of fire for dmg)
E = Gatling Gun (deals % of attack infront of Corki)
R = Missile Barrage (shoots Missiles that stack up to 7 Missiles, gain one every 12 seconds)

9. Dr Mundo: The Mutated Scientist
PASSIVE: Regains some % of HP/sec
Q = Infected Cleaver (deals dmg equal to % of your current life, with a minimum)
w = Burning Agony (deals AOE dmg around Mundo & reduces stun/slow durations, at the cost of life/sec)
E = Masochism (deals extra melee dmg based on % life lost)
R = Sadism (regens % of life over time & speed increase at the initial cost of % life)

10. Evelynn: The Stealth Whore
PASSIVE: Takes reduced damage from creep/towers
Q = Hate Spike (deals magic dmg to nearest enemy - bounces for less dmg)
w = Shadow Walk (stealth, attack out of it stuns)
E = Ravage (deals magic dmg, if from behind = reduced armor/magic resistance of target)
R = Malice and Spite (can activate within 3 minutes of enemy champion death to increase run/attack speed. If she gets a kill with this activated she regains HP)

11. Fiddlesticks: The Scarecrow
PASSIVE: Aura which reduces enemies' magic resistance
Q = Terrify (causes enemy to flee in terror for a few secs)
w = Drain (deals magic dmg & returns life to Fiddle)
E = Dark Wind (deals magic dmg & silences, bouncing between enemies)
R = Crowstorm (does AoE magic dmg in circle around Fiddle, after charging up & flashing to target reticule)

12. Gangplank: The Pirate
PASSIVE: His autoattack poisons, dealing dmg & reducing healing effects
Q = Parrley (deals magic dmg based on Gangplank's attack, can crit)
w = Citrus Faggotry (healths & removes all CC)
E = Raise Morale (kills friendly unit to give run/attack speed increase to surrounding friendly units)
R = Cannon Barrage (deals magic dmg to ANY area of the map, a cannonball hit will slow the enemy)

13. Janna: The Wind Healer
PASSIVE: 3% movespeed increase for all allies
Q = Howling Gale (charges a tornado on ground for more dmg & range, press Q to release, knocks opponents into the air)
w = Zephyr (deals magic dmg & slows target)
E = Eye of the Storm (shield vs dmg)
R = Monsoon (knocks back opponents and heals nearby allies/sec channeled)

14. Jax: The Armsmaster

PASSIVE: Gains extra % of dmg from +attack items
Q = Empower (charges up for melee attack, next hit does AOE dmg)
w = Leap Strike (leap to opponent dealing base + Jax's attack dmg)
E = Counterattack (on dodge, can do an AoE stun around Jax)
R = Relentless Assault (every consecutive attack increases attack speed, every few blows does extra magic dmg)

15. Karthus: The Lich Master
PASSIVE: Can cast through death for about 9 seconds
Q = Lay Waste (magic dmg nuke on ground, explodes a bit later, double dmg if it hits only 1 target)
w = Wall of Pain (puts up a magical wall that slows & reduces magic resist of enemy heroes)
E = Defile (magic dmg AoE around Karthus)
R = Requiem (global magic dmg to enemies, takes a while to finish casting)

16. Kassadin: The Darth Vader
PASSIVE: takes reduced damage from nukes? (Ismael)
Q = Null Sphere (deals magic dmg & silences)
w = Nether Blade (returns mana to Kassasin through melee attacks)
E = Force Pulse (deals AoE magic cone dmg & slows)
R = Rift Walk (teleports to location & does magic dmg around that area)

17. Katarina: The Naruto Ninja
PASSIVE: 50 gold on assist, and cooldowns reduced by 20
Q = Bouncing Blade (throws dagger that bounces dealing magic dmg)
w = Killer Insticts (consecutive attack increase attack speed, and activating before blade makes it cause a healing debuff, before shunpo is increases her dodge greatly for 3 seconds)
E = Shunpo (flashes to target unit, if an enemy does magic dmg)
R = Death Lotus (channels in place and deals dmg to surrounding enemies, affected by items)

18. Nassus: The Anubis God
PASSIVE: Lifesteal
Q = Siphoning Strike (next melee attack does increased damage)
w = Wither (slows the units attack/run speed, increasing the slow % as it ends duration)
E = Spirit Fire (deals AoE magic dmg in an area, also reducing armour)
R = Fury of the Sands (increases Nassus' hp, and steals life of nearby summoners)

19. Nunu: The Yeti Pals
PASSIVE: Autoattack can proc for next spellcast to be free
Q = Consume (deals massive damage to creep & regens health for Nunu)
w = Bloodboil (increases move/attack speed of ally)
E = Iceblast (deals magic dmg & slows)
R = Absolute Zero (charges up and as it finished deals magic dmg based on how long you charged it in an AoE)

20. Rammus: The Armadillo Tank
PASSIVE: % of armor converted to dmg
Q = Powerball (increases movespeed over time & knocks opponent into the air after colliding)
w = Defensive Curl (curls into a ball increasing armor & magic resistance greatly, also cannot Powerball when this is up)
E = Puncturing Taunt (taunts the enemy to attack Rammus and lowers their armor)
R = Tremors (deals magic AoE dmg around Rammus every second, damages towers)

21. Ryze: The Magic-User/Thief
PASSIVE: Deals extra magic dmg when under 40% HP
Q = Overload (deals magic dmg + % of his current mana)
w = Arcane Mastery (increases max mana and toggling causes him to deal magic instead of normal dmg with autoattack)
E = Rune Prison (deals magic dmg & stuns)
R = Spell Flux (deals huge magic dmg that bounces between heroes & himself)

22. Taric: The Gay Healer
PASSIVE: returns 7.5% dmg back as mana
Q = Imbue (heals an ally & himself, unless targetted only on himself heals for an extra 40%)
w = Shatter (gives armor aura, and on use deals magic dmg around Taric, reducing enemy armor)
E = Dazzle (deals less magic dmg the further the opponent, but stuns longer)
R = Radiance (healing aura that increases his dmg by 60% and allies by 30%, consumes tons of mana/sec if left on too long)

23. Teemo: The Boyscout
PASSIVE: allies moving behind Teemo gain movespeed
Q = Blinding Dart (blinds the target & deals magic dmg)
w = Move Quick (increases Teemo's movespeed until hit by an enemy)
E = Toxic Darts (causes autoattacks to deal extra poison dmg that doesn't stack, but renews)
R = Mushroom (lays a mushrooms that fades to stealth, and does magic dmg/sec if set off)

24. Tristana: The Cannon-toting Chick
PASSIVE: increased autoattack range
Q = Rapid Fire (increases attack speed)
w = Rocket Jump (launches Tristana to target location dealing magic dmg & slowing)
E = Explosive Shot (causes creep to explode on last-hit, activating on a hero reduces healing receives and does a small amount of dmg/sec)
R = Buster Shot (deals massive magic dmg and knocks the opponent away from you)

25. Tryndamere: The Barbarian King
PASSIVE: Deals more crit dmg on low HP %
Q = Bloodlust (on last-hit increases attack speed and crit chance, activating consumes charges to heal himself)
w = Mocking Shout (slows enemies nearby who's backs are facing him, and reduces their attack damage)
E = Spinning Slash (spins to a location with his sword, dealing magic dmg to enemies in his path)
R = Undying Rage (becomes unkillable for 7 seconds, abilities don't cost health & giving him Bloodlust charges)

26. Twitch: The 'Shark'
PASSIVE: his autoattacks cause poison damage that deals dmg/sec
Q = Ambush (stealths, after attacking out of stealth increases attack speed for duration that increases the longer he was in stealth)
w = Debilitating Poison (slows any target recently hit by Twitch, removing his passive poison debuff)
E = Expunge (deals magic dmg to any target recently hit by Twitch, see above)
R = Spray and Pray (increases range and causes his attacks to deal damage in a line, going through enemies)

27. Veigar: The Miniature Mage
PASSIVE: borrows nearby enemies' AP
Q = Baleful Strike (deals magic dmg, and if it last-hits a creep he gains 1 AP, if it last-hits a hero he gains 5 AP)
w = Dark Matter (deals huge magic dmg to target location after delay)
E = Event Horizon (summons ring that stuns around the edges)
R = Primordial Burst (deals massive magic dmg plus a & of target's max mana, if it last-hits it returns mana)

28. Warwick: The Werewolf
PASSIVE: consecutive hits increase his lifesteal %
Q = Hungering Strike (deals magic dmg & returns that as life to Warwick)
w = Hunter's Call (increases all allies attack speed)
E = Blood Scent (senses heroes below 50% in a radius, then gives Warwick increased run speed)
R = Infinite Duress (stuns & swipes a target enemy many times)

29: Zilean: The Clockwork Healer
PASSIVE: 8% increase XP for all allies
Q = Time Bomb (places a bomb on a unit's head that explodes after delay, dealing magic dmg)
w = Rewind (decreases all of his cooldowns when activated by some seconds)
E = Time Warp (increases an allie's run speed, decreases enemie's run speed depending on target)
R = Chrono Shift (revives a target if it is killed with this buff on them)

30. Kayle: The Angelic Warrior
PASSIVE: increased attackspeed and double damage on nearby ally death
Q = Reckoning (deals magic dmg & slows)
w = Divine Blessing (marginal heal and speed increase to an ally hero)
E = Righteous Fury (causes Kayle to do AOE splash ranged attacks, increasing her base damage by some magic dmg)
R = Intervention (shields an ally rendering them invulnerable)

31: Malphite: The Rock-Solid Tank
PASSIVE: 10% of his health is hardened into his armor, then it breaks & regenerates
Q = Seismic Shard (deals magic dmg & slows, giving him a % of target's move speed)
w = Brutal Strikes (passively gives him a cleave, activation gives him extra % dmg to melee attacks)
E = Ground Slam (deals magic dmg in an AoE around him based off his armor, also reduces attack speeds of enemies)
R = Unstoppable Force (rushes a location & knocks opponents into the air, dealing damage to an area)

32: Master Yi: The Master Hunter
PASSIVE: 12% chance to strike twice
Q = Alpha Strike (teleports to and slashes multiple creep/enemies together, with a chance to do extra dmg to creep)
w = Mediate (channels to restore health)
E = Wuju Style (passively increases attack, activation doubles its effect)
R = Highlander (increases move speed greatly & ignores all slowing effects... getting a kill with this up refreshes all cooldowns)

33: Morgana: The Dead Angel
PASSIVE: returns & of spell dmg done as health
Q = Dark Binding (throws a sphere at target location, on impact deals magic dmg/sec & immobilizes)
w = Tormented Soil (places AoE on target location dealing magic dmg/sec)
E = Black Shield (protects ally with shield blocking spell effects and some damage)
R = Soul Shackles (deals magic dmg to nearby enemies initially and slows them, holding the shackles to them by staying close leads them to deal extra damage and stun after some delay)

34: Singed: The Mad Alchemist
PASSIVE: % of mana converted to health
Q = Poison Trail (deals magic dmg/sec as a poison to enemies initially near Singed)
w = Mega Adhesive (throws AoE glob of goo on the ground slowing opponents)
E = Fling (flings an opponent over his back, dealing magic dmg)
R = Insanity Potion (increases mana/hp regen, attack, attack speed, and movespeed greatly)

35: Sion: The Bone Warrior
PASSIVE: chance to ignore x dmg
Q = Cryptic Gaze (deals magic dmg & stuns)
w = Death's Caress (shields Sion, absording damage. If not dealt enough damage it blows up, dealing AoE magic dmg)
E = Enrage (deals extra damage at the cost of health/swing, increasing max hp on last-hits)
R = Cannibalism (increases his attack speed & lifesteal greatly)

36. Sivir: The Barbarian Queen
PASSIVE: increased dodge while moving
Q = Spiral Blade (throws her boomerang in a line, deals magic dmg)
w = Ricochet (her autoattacks bounce, dealing less % dmg per bounce)
E = Spell Shield (blocks a single spell on Sivir)
R = On The Hunt (increases move/attack speed of nearby allies)

37. Soraka: The Goat Healer
PASSIVE: Increases nearby allies magic resistance
Q = Starcall (deals magic dmg to nearby enemies, reducing magic resist)
w = Astral Blessing (increases armor and heals an ally over time)
E = Infuse (restore an ally's mana, or silences an enemy)
R = Wish (healths all allies on the map)

38. Twisted Fate: The Card Master
PASSIVE: 3% crit to all allies
Q = Wild Cards (deals magic dmg with 3 cards in a cone-like nuke)
w = Pick a Card (imbues his autoattack to deal extra dmg, to slow, or to AoE stun)
E = Gate (teleports to target location on map)
R = Destiny (slows all enemies, revealing their location and reducing Gate's cast time greatly)

39. Shaco: The Stealthed Jester
PASSIVE: 25% more damage when attacking from behind
Q = Deceive (stealths & flashes to target location, dealing a guaranteed crit out of stealth)
w = Jack in the Box (creates a box that stealths, and it confuses & attacks enemies who get too close)
E = Two-Shiv Poison (imbues his autoattacks to slow, activate to deal magic dmg & slow at a range)
R = Hallucinate (creates a replica of himself, if it is killed it blows up dealing magic dmg in an AoE)

40. Heimerdinger: The German Scientist
PASSIVE: healths nearby units/sec
Q = H-28G Evolution Turret (places a turret that attack nearby enemies)
w = Hextech Micro-Rockets (fires missiles at nearby heroes dealing magic dmg)
E = CH-1 Concussion Grenades (lobs a grenade at target location, dealing magic dmg & stunning if a direct hit. Damages towers)
R = Upgrade!!! (upgrades a current turret & heals it. level 2 turret = increased attack speed & armor-reducing, level 3 = deals damage around target)

Created by: Phos/Michelle Tanner

I like Virr.


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