49 Unique Guild Members 14 Level 100 characters 401 Website/Forum Members 0 Posts in 24 hours 0 Posts in 7 days 84313 Total Posts Nelthilta is the last poster
49 Unique Guild Members 14 Level 100 characters 401 Website/Forum Members 0 Posts in 24 hours 0 Posts in 7 days 84313 Total Posts Nelthilta is the last poster
Very simple, rank yourself 1-10. Try to be honest. Don't troll Lamyra and tell him to write 1 for every hero either.
1. Allistar: 5 (I rarely tank well with him, consider him more support tank) 2. Amumu: 5 (Rarely win games as him) 3. Anivia: 7 (I've had several good games and I can land a wall) 4. Annie: 9 5. Ashe: 8-9 6. Blitzcrank: 8 7. Chogath: 7 (I'm ok, although I have had awful games with him) 8. Corki: 10 (HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA) 9. Dr Mundo: 3 (Hands down hardest hero to do well with) 10. Evelynn: 7 (Squish squish) 11. Fiddlesticks: 10 (Jungle well, manage to gank lanes) 12. Gangplank: 8 (Do well, don't win games) 13. Janna: 8 (Do well don't win games) 14. Jax: 9 (I sit there mashing E in between jumps) 15. Karthus: 4 (Since his nerf) 16. Kassadin: 4 (Fail as a carry) 17. Katarina: 7 (I'm o.k., just need to get a decent build down) 18. Nassus: 3 (Too new to know him that well) 19. Nunu: 2 (Can't ever ult right, hate taking blink) 20. Rammus: 10 (A vast majority of the games that I tank with him, we win) 21. Ryze: 8 22. Taric: 7 23. Teemo: 10 24. Tristana: 6 25. Tryndamere: 3 26: Twitch: 5 27: Viegar: 8 alone, 10 with soraka 29: Warwick 8 30: Zilean: 10 31. Kayle: 9 32: Malphite: 9 33: Master Yi: 7 34: Morgana: 10 35: Singed: 6 34: Sion: 6 35: Sivir: 10 35: Soraka: 8 36: Twisted Fate: 6 (never playing him again)
Not true. You play surprisingly well. (LOL GIRL, but really, you haven't really played DoTA or a game like this at all amirite?) The thing is you have to learn every ability of every hero and know all the ins and outs of the mechanics of the game before you can really apply thoughts effectively to what is going on in a battle/clash what have you.
I feel like I do better with the ranged characters because I can be more aggressive. I am very impatient and don't always sit back with a melee character when I should. Although I do feel like I am getting better about that.
I feel like I do better with the ranged characters because I can be more aggressive. I am very impatient and don't always sit back with a melee character when I should. Although I do feel like I am getting better about that.
True. It could be a good idea to start you off with ranged until you become all nerded out and can name every ability of every hero in order.
Disclaimer: 10, for me, means the best I'm capable of. Naturally, I'm not terribly good to begin with, but I'll
1. Allistar: 1 (only played once, and did terrible with him, Israel kept yelling at me for knocking the baddies away when we were killing them, lol) 2. Amumu: 7 3. Anivia: 6 4. Annie: 9 5. Ashe: 6 (haven't played her for a WHILE) 6. Blitzcrank: 10 (I feel very comfortable with him, though I rarely score kills, I'm respect master with him though) 7. Chogath: 5 (I die too much to be effective with stacking his ult) 8. Corki: 10 (probably my best game ever was with him) 9. Dr Mundo: 4 (I don't do well with him, but he's definitely my favorite hero) 10. Evelynn: 5 (haven't played enough) 11. Fiddlesticks: 6 (Haven't played for a while, but I remember doing decently with him) 12. Gangplank: N/A (haven't played him for a LONG time, no recolection of how well I did) 13. Janna: 6 (I'm confortable with her) 14. Jax: 8 (Fun guy to play, he fits my playstyle of "jump in and kill") 15. Karthus: N/A (haven't played in a LONG time) 16. Kassadin: 1 (The only time I remember playing him, I did terribly) 17. Katarina: 5 (I really like her - she's a ninja - but I rarely do very well) 18. Nassus: 3 (played once, didn't do well) 19. Nunu: 7 (I've had some good games with him, such that I felt comfortable getting the respect with some good ults) 20. Rammus: 5 (fun guy, but I don't feel super confortable with him) 21. Ryze: 5 (I don't do as well as I should with him, but I've had some decent games) 22. Taric: 8 (The heals are nice) 23. Teemo: N/A (never played) 24. Tristana: 4 (Haven't played in a while, don't think I've ever done well with her) 25. Tryndamere: N/A (never played) 26: Twitch: 5 27: Viegar: 5 (eh) 29: Warwick: 7 laning, 1 Jungling (I fail at jungle) 30: Zilean: 5 (I remember playing decently with him, but it's been a long time) 31. Kayle: 8 (she's a comfortable healer, though I haven't done terribly well since her remake) 32: Malphite: 7 33: Master Yi: 5 (played once or twice, don't really remember much) 34: Morgana: 7 35: Singed: 1 (Played once, did poorly) 34: Sion: 7 (wwweeeeeeeEEEEEEE BOOM!!!) 35: Sivir: 8 Fun character 35: Soraka: 9 (haven't played since her little buff, but am confortable with her, being a healer/mana battery is fun) 36: Twisted Fate: N/A (Haven't played in like a month, never could figure out "pick a card")
know all the ins and outs of the mechanics of the game before you can really apply thoughts effectively to what is going on in a battle/clash what have you.
And it's at least a lot easier with LoL, siunce there are only like 40 hereoes, compared with the 100+ of Dota (and their abilities can be more complicated)
That's exactly the one I was thinking of, though, for the life of me, I couldn't remember his name. I just kept thinking "that blood elf who lags the shit out of the game when he spawns"