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RonS Raiding Days/Rules
RonS Raiding Days/Rules
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There was a rule that also said no loot to alts over mains.

There was an attempt to enforce

There were subsequent tears.

If you don't want to help gear people's alts (specifically the ones who have 0 of the gear required) don't go to naxx, Naxx is Sunday' anyway- which is an off raid day.

Wouldn't it be easier for people to simply ask if no mains want it, then toss a bid in?

Or better yet- bid 1?

I see the need for a rule, I would prefer it if people just simply were more conscious of other dudes gears.

Or here we go, the maximum dkp and alt can bid on an item is 15.
The minimum is 5

I am god, problem solved.

Quote by Karrmerx

For now though? I don't know, I'm not a fan of alts winning loot over mains. I almost feel like some sort of combination of Beanmans ideas and something else, or anything for that matter ... maybe if an alt bids the highest on an item, give a main spec that genuinely needs it as an upgrade the option of taking it for the price that the alt offered to spend? IE, Grim Toll last night:

Critsammich bid like 9 or something
Soulmans hunter alt bid 20 and won

perhaps say since Crits is a main and needs that for his main spec for progression purposes (he has some blue trinket) - Crits, you have the option of taking this for 20 DKP.

I got rid of my blue trinket a few weeks back (why? because one week I passed to rustam bc he still had a green or something, the next week someone's alt got it loot counciled to someone that i hvnt seen raiding EVERY WEEK... so I said fuck it and spent 6k+ G on the darkmoon card) But yeh, its still higher item level and better for me when I need more hit rating.

But yeh, I think something like that is much better than what's going on right now.
Quote by Virr

I love Rogue and all but do you think a Deathknight MT is the best idea? I suppose we'll figure that out when we try it out.



Quote by Virr
Quote by Ismael

Group Gaykids
Beankarrmer MT
Aplox OT
Myself Healer
Arcturium Healer

I love Rogue and all but do you think a Deathknight MT is the best idea? I suppose we'll figure that out when we try it out.

woah what a dick

There were subsequent tears.

The tears of unfathomable sadness?

Obviously I'm on the let alts spend their dkp side. I have been spending to gear him out because I earned this dkp and everyone wants to be a healer all of a sudden. I'd rather have 2 chars geared and ready to go than one with the ability to go on an ulduar shopping spree first 5 clears.

I've actually been spending 'real' dkp, I bid 20 on the trinket (worth way more than that) and 55 on the chest so It's not like I'm not paying for them.

About passing stuff to shitty mains, fine, I did it on KT staff even tho virr didn't wanna wait five seconds for me and shmekle to figure out what he didn't want me bidding on(understandable, it was a long night). But I'm not going to fucking armory every new scrub and make a spreadsheet of what he wants. I think it's kinda gay that I've been 80 for a week and I'm beating shmekle on boss fights only to get bitched at for doing 'alt dps' and then in the next breath bitched at for buying gear to do better dps cuz 'he can't compete with your dkp'.

We need to make up our fucking minds and I think these new rules do that, if they aren't listed plainly somewhere that should probably happen. Even tho these rules hinder my ability to gear this alt out at least it cuts the fucking drama out. I was so pist last sunday about this and then virr basically telling me qq it's not my problem, I about quit the fucking game. We managed to make a fun sunday naxx raid into gay dkp argument.

TLDR: New rules are gayer for my alt but I'm glad cuz drama should be gone now.

PS: I publicly apologize for bringing my shitty hunter in that first week, I didn't know about the rules but that's no excuse, tho I obviously would have waited if I'd known.
Quote by Soulman
I was so pist last sunday about this and then virr basically telling me qq it's not my problem, I about quit the fucking game.

To be fair, you came to me about people who had a problem with you bringing your alt. There is nothing I can do to change their minds because they have preconceptions of what is right and what is wrong and I have very little control over what they think about you bringing your alt.

Moments before you whispered me, Ismael said on vent that he's not our mother and therefore is not going to be responsible for all the drama based solely off of people's opinions.

That said, it was a long raid and I apologize for answering brashly if I did -- trying to lead a raid ("LOL IM VIRR TELLING YOU WHAT TO DO IM LEADING THIS RAID - Rogue") and doing the DKP at the same time is time-consuming and I was more angry at the people who had a problem with your alt than you yourself.

Quote by Virr
I was more angry at the people who had a problem with your alt than you yourself.

Because here's another alt, just hit 80, doesn't meet gear requirements... and happens to be leading the raid.

I should have been whispering you constantly telling you how your dps was below the tanks... and yes, your damage was below the DK tanks on several fights.

As Ismael stated before, the rule for alts has been set here since our 1st or 2nd week of raiding. The lack of officers enforcing it is why it's become "the norm" for fresh 80s to come into 25 man naxx.
I doubt anyone is mad about anything. Clarification was just needed. Its there now.

And I would have asked Virr what he was doing with his rogue in Naxx with no FR ect, but hes an adult I'm sure he realizes he was carried.

Quote by Soulman
Obviously I'm on the let alts spend their dkp side. I have been spending to gear him out because I earned this dkp and everyone wants to be a healer all of a sudden. I'd rather have 2 chars geared and ready to go than one with the ability to go on an ulduar shopping spree first 5 clears.

I've actually been spending 'real' dkp, I bid 20 on the trinket (worth way more than that) and 55 on the chest so It's not like I'm not paying for them.

About passing stuff to shitty mains, fine, I did it on KT staff even tho virr didn't wanna wait five seconds for me and shmekle to figure out what he didn't want me bidding on(understandable, it was a long night). But I'm not going to fucking armory every new scrub and make a spreadsheet of what he wants. I think it's kinda gay that I've been 80 for a week and I'm beating shmekle on boss fights only to get bitched at for doing 'alt dps' and then in the next breath bitched at for buying gear to do better dps cuz 'he can't compete with your dkp'.

We need to make up our fucking minds and I think these new rules do that, if they aren't listed plainly somewhere that should probably happen. Even tho these rules hinder my ability to gear this alt out at least it cuts the fucking drama out. I was so pist last sunday about this and then virr basically telling me qq it's not my problem, I about quit the fucking game. We managed to make a fun sunday naxx raid into gay dkp argument.

TLDR: New rules are gayer for my alt but I'm glad cuz drama should be gone now.

PS: I publicly apologize for bringing my shitty hunter in that first week, I didn't know about the rules but that's no excuse, tho I obviously would have waited if I'd known.

I think Ryan expressed concern over a main simply bidding 16 to beat an alt, but it seems fair to me.

On the other hand it fixes the problem in the future of people not having dkp to be competitive on their mains because you'll only be spending 5 or 15 dkp on your alt.

Quote by Ismael

I think Ryan expressed concern over a main simply bidding 16 to beat an alt, but it seems fair to me.

On the other hand it fixes the problem in the future of people not having dkp to be competitive on their mains because you'll only be spending 5 or 15 dkp on your alt.

Agreed, I think we survived the drama that comes with dkp and these rules will mean we can get back to having fun.

PS: May 12 is the last Tuesday I should be late.

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