11Fiddlesticks: The ScarecrowPASSIVE: Aura which reduces enemies' magic resistance by 16
Summoner AbilitiesGhost/Teleport Ghost/Something NOT clarity or Smite.
AbilitiesQ = Terrify (causes enemy to flee in terror for a few secs)
w = Drain (deals magic dmg & returns life to Fiddle)
E = Dark Wind (deals magic dmg & silences, bouncing between enemies)
R = Crowstorm (does AoE magic dmg in circle around Fiddle, after charging up & flashing to target reticule)
Ability BuildIf laneing: W,E,E,Q,E,R,E,W,E,W (and so on)
If jungle-ing: W,E,W,Q,W,R
Recommended Item Build
Last Modified: 11/18/2009 8:21pm
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URL: http://pias.dkpsystem.com/guide/Fiddlesticks