10. Evelynn: The Stealth WhorePASSIVE: Takes 50% reduced damage from minions
Summoner Abilities:Ghost/Exhaust Exhaust/Ignite Exhaust/Heal Exhaust/Teleport
Basically, take exhaust and another semi offensive summoner ability. Never clarity. Never.
Abilities:Q = Hate Spike (deals magic dmg to nearest enemy - bounces for less dmg)
w = Shadow Walk (stealth, attack from behind out of it stuns)
E = Ravage (deals magic dmg, if from behind = reduced armor/magic resistance of target)
R = Malice and Spite (can activate within 3 minutes of enemy champion death to increase run/attack speed. If she gets a kill with this activated she regains 10% HP)
Ability Build:W,E,E,Q,E,R,E,Q (I would recommend a second level of stealth before a third level of hate spike since you'll be more mobile by level 7)
Recommended Item build:Mana Sapphire and two healing potions to start
Sorcerers Boots
Meja's Soulsteal
Catalyst (If you're dying a lot or are new you should build this first)
Sheen (Build this if you're not new and are getting kills)
Combine Sheen in to Lich Bane
Zondja's Ring
PlaystyleThis hero is very squishy, many people enjoy great success with her at first but she falls off rather quickly when playing against a team who uses wards and or elixirs. Its important to note that this hero is VERY difficult to succeed with at higher levels of play.
It is very important that you build her with some health at first if the enemy team is even remotely competent. Playing Evelynn with ghost is usually the best idea, since it offers such a great escape mechanism and it stack with her ultimate.
Evelynn, is indeed a mage assassin. She is however, NOT Rambo. You should never open first in a team fight. It would be very bad since she is easy to focus down first. Once the fight is going it is important that you do not waste you stun and Ravage ability on a hero that can easily get away. Evelynn is great at knocking a dps champion out but flails when faced with a tanl.
Getting buffs like the lizard and golem go a long way on Evelynn, warding these neutral creep might be your best bet, you may not only be able to ALWAYS have them on hand but you will be able to keep watch on them and gank low level heroes who try to solo it and let themselves get low.
Everlynn's playstyle is best described in one way: Opportunist.
Last Modified: 11/18/2009 8:07pm
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